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October 1, 2010 Hong Kong, China

Posted by on October 1, 2010

Our flight arrived at 7:30pm and we finally made it to our hotel, the Sheraton Hong Kong, about 8:30pm. Apparently, it’s China’s National Day, similar to our Fourth of July. The Sheraton is right on Victoria Harbor, which is the center of the celebration. The streets surrounding the hotel were closed to all traffic, but filled with masses of people. We pushed our way through the crowds from the subway to the hotel and watched a massive fireworks display from our hotel room. They really know how to do fireworks – they lasted over 25 minutes!

It’s extremely hot and humid. Supposedly, September through November are the best months to visit Hong Kong due to the “pleasant temperatures and abundant sunshine.” I’m not sure what they were thinking.

Fireworks over Victoria Harbor on National Day

Fireworks over Victoria Harbor on National Day

National Day Celebration

National Day Celebration


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