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Berchtesgaden, Germany July 5, 2015

Posted by on July 5, 2015

We had the best time at Berchtesgaden Salt Mine today! It’s been in the 90s all week and the temperature in the mine is 53, and it felt sooo good. We took a train ride into the mine, slid down 2 miner’s slides, and cruised across a lake. It was so, so fun.

This afternoon we went to Eagle’s Nest, a Third Reich-era retreat for Hitler and his friends and dignitaries. The building sits on top of a mountain and visiting requires a 20 minute bus ride, hike through a 400 foot tunnel, and 400 foot elevator ride. Cultural and historical sites and monuments are very careful not to adorn or decorate anything with Nazi paraphernalia, so nothing about Eagle’s Next looks anything like it did in the past. The views are beautiful and the cool mountain air was a relief from the hot weather, but it felt pretty touristy with a beer garden, restaurant, and souvenir shop.

A fireplace - a gift from Mussolini

A fireplace – a gift from Mussolini

Eagle's Nest

Eagle’s Nest

Trail at the summit

Trail at the summit

400 foot tunnel entrance

400 foot tunnel entrance



Eagle's Nest

Eagle’s Nest

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